Mesa Grocery Store Destroyed in Devastating Fire

December 17, 2024

MESA, WA – A fire on the evening of December 16, 2024, completely destroyed JC's Mesa Grocery, the only grocery store serving the town of Mesa, Washington. The fire, which began around 9:15 pm, has left the community grappling with the loss of this vital resource.

Multiple fire departments, including FCFD1, FCFD4 - Basin City, and the City of Connell Fire Department, responded to the blaze, with support from the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office and the Franklin County Hospital District. Despite their efforts, the store suffered extensive damage and is considered a total loss. The fire is believed to have started near the cashier's station before spreading throughout the building, including the roof.

The destruction of JC's Mesa Grocery represents a significant hardship for Mesa residents and those in surrounding areas who relied on the store for everyday necessities. The store provided convenient access to groceries, and its absence will require residents to travel much further for essential items.

The store owner and his family were present at the scene and are reportedly in shock. The cause of the fire is currently under investigation by the fire marshal. Due to the extensive structural damage, the store is not expected to reopen in the near future, and the long-term future of the grocery store remains uncertain. The community now faces the challenge of finding a solution to replace this critical resource.

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