
Steelhead smolts escape Lyons Ferry Hatchery

Hatchery workers became aware of a failure in a rotating screen system and rubber gasket meant to retain fish within a rearing pond when they lowered the water level in late January to collect fish for transport to Cottonwood Acclimation Pond on the Grande Ronde River.

emergency alarm in hospital

Ritzville hospital suspends visitation

Citing increased coronavirus cases, East Adams Rural Healthcare is prohibiting patients from having visitors at its 903 S. Adams St. hospital and clinics. The hospital announced its new coronavirus-related restrictions Jan. 13.


Bill would help hire more law enforcement

Sixth District Sen. Jeff Holy, R-Spokane, introduced Senate Bill 5841 to provide cities and counties with more funding to hire more law enforcement officers. "Over the past few years, we've seen a large number of police officers and deputy sheriffs leave their jobs


Two drivers injured in Highway 12 crash

Hippolito Gallegos Ponce, 34, was cited for following too close, no valid operator license and no insurance following the 7:45 p.m. near Milepost 327, the Washington State Patrol reported. Ponce was also injured in the crash and taken to a Walla Walla-area hospital